The sleeper

"The Sleeper" by Kim Marchesseault"The Sleeper" by Kim Marchesseault 1117 "The Sleeper" by kim Marchesseault1128 

Here’s a reclining male I recently finished sculpting. The model was fantastic. This piece is about 19 inches long.

14 Responses

  1. Ohh, more awesome work. Bravo.

  2. Todd Fillingham, thank you!

  3. Hey – I think I could model for these sleeping poses. How much do you pay?

    I don’t have quite the muscles of this model, but you are an artist I’m sure you could make me look good.

  4. Bills, a reclining pose probably isn’t the way to make your fortune. We actually charge the models room and board for this!

  5. I would sit up for you.

  6. Ok – let’s have an update – what are you doing?

  7. Sorry for the delay in posting. I’ve been putting many hours into my website, trying to get it into shape! It’s here:

    I’ll be back to blogging soon!

  8. The site is looking very professional. I can see where it would eat up the time. Looks great!

  9. Will you please stop dicking around with that web site and entertain me?

  10. Hi Kim, I saw this piece when it came out of the kiln… looks great! Was a good pose and love your work. I have gotten two good pieces from this model. 🙂

    • By the way. how are you geetting these awesome sculpture photos? love em! I had lasik done about 8 years ago and am still happy.

  11. Bills, I’ll try to do better!

    Charles, thank you! He is a great model.

  12. Charles, I take about 20 or more pictures of each sculpture from various angles. For small sculptures I have “photo studio in a box” which is a small lighting and background setup that makes it easy to take pictures without using a flash.

    For larger sculptures I try to take shots outside on overcast days, or in my sunroom at certain times of day. I avoid using a flash. Prefer to photograph before varnish or shiny surface is applied because it looks better.

    Then I adjust the contrast and other things in photoshop and use a technique called masking to change the background.

    It’s a lot of work.

    • Hi again…. I do love the pictures you are producing… and yes, the flash photos just aren’t right… never have been… unless one sets up a studio and reflectors and etc. When I use the flash, it always seems merely “utilitarian.”
      I have goofed off a bit with a “studio in a box” concept, but haven’t paid proper attention to the backgrounds. Will try that… thanks…
      recently have gotten some good pictures of subjects next to a window… ala, Bob Gunn…
      meanwhile, my “nerd site” as shannon calls it (soc.paleo.anthrolopy) has a link about the 35,000 year old scultpure that recently was found. I might post a link back to this page. The debate, I suppose, is why in the heck do “we” or anybody do figurative sculpture? I think your site answers some of that very nicely. will post link much later on tho, since today we are off to Charleston on vacation thru monday.

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